( criminal law) an answer of` no contest 'by a defendant who does not admit guilt but that subjects him to conviction. In rejoinder, the abolitionists question the superior deterrent value of the death penalty. (刑法)被告不愿争辩但却不承认犯罪的答复。废除死刑者在答辩中对死刑具有最大的威慑价值表示怀疑。
The deterrent is other penalty methods cannot compare. 威慑之强是其他刑罚方法所不能比拟的。
Death Penalty to Live or Die: Reconsideration Based on Deterrent of the Death Penalty 死刑的存与废:基于死刑威慑论的再思考
In rejoinder, the abolitionists question the superior deterrent value of the death penalty. 废除死刑者在答辩中对死刑具有最大的威慑价值表示怀疑。
Empirical studies on the deterrent effect of death penalty resulted in various conclusions because of different approaches, scope of analysis, quality of data and designs of studies. 关于死刑的威慑效果的实证研究,则因为所采用的方法、分析的范围、数据的质量以及研究设计的不同,而产生了不同的结论。
And till now empirical studies on the assumption of the deterrent effect of death penalty do not provide it with unanswerable evidence. 迄今为止,关于死刑的遏制效果的假定的实证研究,并没有给其提供无可辩驳的证据。
In the rational examination on the deterrent effect of death penalty, the focus is whether or not death penalty has marginal deterrent effect in comparison with life imprisonment. 在对死刑的威慑效果进行理性考察的过程中,死刑是否具有大于终身监禁的边际遏制效果是考察的中心所在。
Whether death penalty has deterrent effect or not and whether death penalty has more marginal effect compared with life imprisonment are two different questions. 死刑有无威慑效果与死刑有无大于终身监禁的边际威慑效果是两个不同的问题。
Repealing commentators argue that the long-term inflict is more deterrent than the death penalty and is better able to achieve general preventive effect. 废除论者认为长期服劳役比死刑更具有威慑力,能够更好地达到一般预防的效果。
Its deterrent force, especially the deterrent effect of the death penalty is still a special means of crime prevention. 它的威慑力,尤其是死刑的威慑效果仍然是预防犯罪的特殊手段。
From evolution perspective, mitigation of punishment experiences five stages: retaliative penalty, deterrent penalty, equivalent penalty, correction penalty and compromise penalty. 从进化论的角度,刑罚轻缓化的形态经历了报复刑罚、威慑刑罚、等价刑罚、矫正刑罚和折衷刑罚五个阶段。
The law as a strong deterrent force, maintaining market economic order, need to improve the penalty in legislative and judicial aspects of configuration, improve the legal quality. 法律作为威慑力强的维护市场经济秩序的强有力手段,需要完善刑罚在立法和司法方面的配置,提升法律质量。
In our country, the criminal law emphasizes on the deterrent very seriously, and the attention to the concept of function of penalty is very popular. When the realization of criminal responsibility, the judiciaries also over-reliance on the application of penalties. 我国刑法迷信刑罚的威慑作用、重视刑罚功能的观念依然严重,实现刑事责任方式过分依赖刑罚的适用。